Hi my name is Liat Suzie. I'm the founder of Stalking Victims Unite. The need for this website came about out of my own personal stalking situation. I have had a stalker for 6 years and counting. So, I know personally how you may be feeling. My stalking situation came about in an innocent way really. Don't they all though.
My stalkers attacks tend to be very mental. I thought at first that I was losing my mind. Things were appearing and disappearing out of my house out of nowhere. I'm not sure if she had in mind just exactly the beast this has become when she first started all this or not. I do know she is extremely calculated and never does anything on accident. She has turned my life upside down and tried to smear me all throughout the city.
The struggle with getting help from the police is real. For the most part they are nice to me, but their hands are tied by the laws they have to abide by. The problem is you have to be able to prove that someone is doing what you say. If your phone is hacked the odd's in doing that are slim to none. My stuff will be at home when I leave, be gone when I return and there will be no footage in my cameras and the feed goes to my mom's phone. It's like a ghost is robbing me.
The cyber stuff is enough to drive someone mad. Not being able to do what you want on your own devices is horrible. My passwords change on their own.my settings change, my contacts just disappear. My phone and laptop will simply not do things it should do. It's hard to live with. I did not really notice how much my phone and laptop control my life. Also using my phone and laptop give her reach. By that I mean it's no longer just being harassed in public. She can now harass me in the privacy of my own bedroom. That is something that makes you feel unsafe everywhere.
She also has little helpers. She has enlisted the help of family and two friends to be specific. So, they are always a step ahead of me. I have my moments where I want to just give up. Those moments are hard. I just let myself have a good cry. Get it out of my system and regroup. Thats all I can do, it's all anyone can do.
My day-to-day routine is just trying to build evidence. There are more of them, but they make mistakes. I just wait until that happens and document everything in the meantime. I never leave any of my evidence at home I take it everywhere with me and just try to stay positive. This will end someday. I just have to hang on until then.